What is an Educational Therapist?

An Educational Therapist is a highly trained clinician who is skilled in providing a comprehensive approach to teach students with disabilities how to master the skills that are difficult for them to learn in a general education classroom or in a group special education setting.

I teach my educational therapy students to acquire solid, comprehensive academic skills so that they can succeed independently in college or technical school and then to succeed in the workplace.

Why Experience Counts

I have years of successful clinical experience in helping children and adults with ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning and language disorders learn the academic skills and strategies that they need to become accomplished, skilled individuals. My practice also includes students with dysgraphia, executive function disorders, depression, anxiety, and a wide variety of medical conditions that affect learning skills.

My Unique Use of Individualized Scientific, Evidence-Based Interventions

I provide a broad range of individualized research-based educational interventions for children and adults with learning disorders and other learning challenges. My students and I partner to craft a customized learning program based upon their own potential and their learning strengths so that they learn how to learn. Engaging each underachieving student to develop his or her own learning program teaches each individual to learn how to think and to problem-solve, not just for the moment, but also for the future.

How Parents Help

Since parents are a vital part of the educational therapy process, I provide parent coaching to enhance the learning process. Together we collaborate with school staff to develop better learning outcomes.

Mentorship with Experts

My own educational therapy approach began with my mentorship and training with some of the original national professional board members of the Orton Dyslexia Society, now known as the International Dyslexia Association. At the University of California San Francisco Pediatric Child Study Unit, I worked with national and international experts in learning disabilities and ADHD.

Over the years, I have collaborated with pediatricians, neurologists, language pathologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and master educators to hone the skills needed to be a thoughtful observer and an appreciator of the complexity of each individual with whom I work.

How I Use Advanced Training

My ongoing extensive psychological and neurodevelopmental training includes up-to-date, scientific research and clinical practices, both locally and internationally. I teach therapists and teachers to learn more about these learning challenges so that we can be even more effective in our work to help each individual develop a positive self-identity based upon real-time skills.

Barbara Bennett